Bryan Hill, interviews LiMa Solutions Part 4

Added Value Through Value Engineering

In this, the fourth and final installment of Bryan Hill’s interview with LiMa Solutions, Inc.,  he focuses on the role that value engineering plays in managing construction defect claims.

From the article:

Managing the Costs of Litigation Through Time Management

As LiMa Solutions deconstructed the construction defect litigation process, Martinet and co-founder, Paul Viau, identified four areas that must be addressed in order to reach resolution:

  • Technical Issues
  • Legal Issues
  • Coverage Issues
  • Other Issues

Achieving The Same Results At A Lower Cost

In addition to compressing the timeline of a construction defect dispute, VE-ADR aims to reduce the cost of resolving claims. Reducing the time spent on a claim by attorneys and experts alike, the cost is also reduced, since many in the industry bill by the hour, or fraction thereof.

Managing Accountability

The firm developed a system that manages accountability for the various parties involved in a dispute. As deadlines approach, the parties receive reminders via email that alert them to their responsibilities.

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