Rick Righi on West Coast Construction Defect Seminar’s Purpose

Rick Righi on The WCC’s Defect Seminar



The West Coast Construction Defect Seminar is a west coast conference that companies attend every year to see the latest trends in the construction industry. Numerous case laws and policies are discussed and implemented at this function.

Rick Righi, an attorney in Phoenix, Arizona comes to the west coast seminar every year to see the progress in the construction industry. He loves to pick the brains of influential people in the industry to learn their opinions on new laws, regulations and their business strategies. They bounce ideas back and forth on cost-savings ideas in shortening arbitration and litigation.

Over the years he has made tons of connections and friendships with other companies and employees. He comes back every year to see the progress his colleagues have made, as well as how the industry has grown or decreased as a whole due to the economy. He feels that the new laws and regulations discussed (mostly in California) give him and his company a heads up of what might affect his Phoenix and Albuquerque offices in the future. This way his company will be prepared for it down the road.

The Overall message to take away from the WCC seminar:

“Promote outside the box thinking”
“Cost-saving tips due to the economy”